Saturday 19 October 2013


adverse weather is a circumstantial factor in nearly 40% of aproach-and-landing accidents. adverse wind conditions (i.e., strong cross winds, tailwind and gust) are involved in more than 30% of aproach-and-landing accidents and in 15% of events involving CFIT. TYPES OF GUST:- 1. Vertical Gust the variation of the horizontal wind component along the vertical axis, resulting in the turbulence that may affect the aircraft speed climbing or decending through the gust layer. the variation of the wind component of 20kt per 1000ft. to 30kt per 1000ft are typical values, but a vertical gust may reach upto 10kt per 1000ft. 2. Horizontal Gust the variation of the wind component along the horizontal axis(i.e., decreasing headwind or increasing tailwind, or a shift from a headwind to a tailwind). These variations of wind component may reach up to 100kt per nautical mile. refer the link below:-

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