Saturday 4 May 2013

Flying Platform

i thought that why waste energy in walking daily to offices and all those highly traffic prone areas, so i have a great idea of "flying platform" which is that we can make a locomotive which would take Arial route instead of ground. so, the  traffic is not a big problem now a days. all we need is a Skate board,two industrial motors (3 phase) and of 1.5 kwh. u would also need some connecting wires . u just have to make a symmetric design such that motors are at equal position w.r.t the center line and these two motors will produce thrust and they have the power to lift a 70 kg body and so when the motors will start they will lift u and u will take an aerial route.u can also apply a concept of torque ion it and can move to and fro. the motor which is currently working at less speed, will produce less thrust and so will move down as compared to other motor and board will move in the direction the slow .

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